Top Olympiads Center

Seniors and Newcomers




English for Seniors and Newcomers

Daily Conversation



Seniors' Activities Registration Form:

​老年活动注册表 (点表下方的SUBMIT提交):

English for Seniors and Newcomers

Daily Reading



今年第1期 (从5月8号 到 6月23号 共七周 )老年英语一对一免费网上视频会话学习活动 现在开始招生 名额有限 先报先得 报名截止日为4月30号
这次我们分为 高级 和中初级两个级别 高级部分的老师不会讲中文 中初级的老师可以讲中文 所以大家选择的时候 要特别注意!
报名电话 647 - 886 - 3957


Registrations are open until April 30 for this year's first term (May 8 to June 23, total 7 weeks) of Seniors' Free 1-on-1 English Online Classes. Places are limited and first-come-first-served.

This time we will divide into two groups: advanced and intermediate/beginner. Some of the teachers for the advanced group will not speak Chinese, while intermediate/beginner group teachers can speak Chinese, so please be careful when choosing your group!

To register, call 647-886-3957

Timetable as below:

高级班的学习时段 Advanced classes:
下午 (PM) :3:20 - 4:20,              4:30 - 5:30,
中 ;初级班的学习时段 Intermediate/beginner classes:
下午 (PM) :2:10 - 3:10,              3:20 - 4:20,              4:30 - 5:30,              6:10 - 7:10
从即日起开始报名 欢迎大家参与( 第1期 :5月8号-6月23号, 共七周) 报名截止日为4月30号
报名电话: 647 - 886 - 3957

Registrations welcome henceforth for the first term (May 8 to June 23, total 7 weeks), registrations end April 30.

Call 647-886-3957 to register.